Do you know the Annie Lennox song? I’ve just heard it on the radio “…the language is leaving me…”
Do you ever stop to hear yourself think? To tune in to your own radio station? Our whirring brains have a profound influence on how we feel about ourselves, how happy we are in our bodies. We can be vicious and unkind to ourselves and think that we believe every word of it.
I’d like you to conduct an experiment: Take a couple of days to observe that whirring brain. See what messages it’s feeding you. What’s the language? Is it critical and judgmental? And actually, how much of it do you really, truly believe? I’m guessing that you’re going to be surprised that most of the judgments are only 3-4’s out of 10… This is the first step to changing the language of how we speak to ourselves because it’s much easier to ignore that radio when we understand that it’s not speaking the truth. Then we can drown it out with positive affirmations which, over a few weeks, we begin to believe and regain our self confidence and self love.
So move over Annie, and let’s turn up some Billy or Bruno (depending how hip you are ;-)) and love ourselves just the way we are!